Horizon 2020 ERA NET support


Estonian Research Council awards Mobilitas Plus ERA-NET grants based on the Decree No.1.1-2/15/481 of the Minister of Education and Research of 30 December 2015. The Decree lays down the conditions for the provision of grants  under the ‘Internationalisation of research and support for mobility and the next generation’ or Mobilitas Pluss programme. The programme supports Estonian research institutions’ participation in transnational research and development projects that have been successful in ERA-NET calls not co-funded by the European Commission.

NB! For general information on ERA-NET calls, see here.

The budget for Mobilitas Pluss is 35 373 770 euros, 83.5% of which is covered by the European Regional Development Fund.

The programme aims to:

  • improve the international visibility of Estonian research, business and higher education and Estonia’s attractiveness as a destination country for study and research;
  • strengthen the international competitiveness of Estonian researchers and research performing organisations, including companies;
  • support opportunities for Estonian research institutions and companies to collaborate with transnational research organisations and networks, including through synergy with Horizon 2020 actions;
  • expand international collaboration and professional development opportunities for the state, R&D institutions, higher education institutions, companies, students and academic staff by improving intersectoral and international mobility and cooperation (opportunities).

What do we support?

We support the participation of final beneficiaries in the ERA-NET projects, which are not financed by the European Commission, and reimburse expenses required for project implementation.

What is the objective of the ERA-NET support?

The objective of the support is to increase the opportunities for Estonian R&D institutions and businesses to participate in ERA-NET projects.

What is the amount of the support?

The maximum amount of support is €150,000 per project.

What are the requirements for applicants?

Final beneficiaries can be Estonian R&D institutions, universities or companies. The requirements for ERA-NET projects specify that the ERA-NET that organises calls for proposals has to be included in the participation plan of international R&D partnerships (approved as an annex to the operational programme of the RDI Strategy), which specifies important initiatives for Estonia and in which the state undertakes to support the projects that are declared successful in evaluation.

The application form will be drawn up by the ERA-NET that organises the call for proposals and the ERC participates as a financial contributor. The specific requirements for applications and applicants will be announced upon opening of the call for proposals. The final beneficiary must notify the ERC of other simultaneous applications, if any, submitted for funding the project(s) or any parts thereof specified in the application from other measures or other state budget, European or foreign aid funds.

When can the support be applied for?

The support applications can be submitted via ERA-NET calls for proposals, in which the Estonian Research Council participates as a financial contributor. ERA-NET calls for proposals are organised regularly in different fields and the Estonian Research Council notifies Estonian R&D institutions thereof.

See also the National eligibility criteria for Estonian applicants
